Intstructional guide as well as Etched Glass Patterns and Design Books
Learn the Art of Etched Glass
Express your creative talents in your own part time or full time business in Architectural Etched Glass Design.
Etched Glass can add a distinctive look to any home, as well as providing additional privacy and security for the homeowner. Glass Artist Howard Lee, has put together an informational step by step Instructional Guide to aid in mastering this unique art form. Along with the Instructional Guide he has also developed his continuing assortment of design books to help get your portfolio started. Each design book contains 14 beautiful etched glass design Patterns drawn to scale, each design included can be enlarged to a full size pattern for hand cutting and etching of Residential Etched Glass . Each of the designs can also be manipulated to create many different designs as well. Etching a typical entryway can produce income from $800 -$1800 depending on the design chosen. The more designs that you have for your customers to choose from the better off you will be to fill their needs. Designs for Etched glass are very limited on the market at the present time. Howard has spent hours and hours over the years designing etched glass for his customers and now is offering them to you. He has put together his design books to save you time, money and give you the jump start needed to begin working asap. New design books will follow, which will include more Entryways as well as designs for Windows, Showers, Transoms and more. This business can be started for less than $600. All supplies and materials can be purchased in your own local area.
All Art Work Designed by Glass artist : Howard Lee, Jr.
Additional books coming soon for:
Doors, Windows, Showers and more
Step by Step Instructional Guide- Learn the Art of Architectural Etched Glass
$34.95 Free Shipping included
26 pages with step by step
instructions, photographs
and beginner patterns
Tropical Entryway Designs for Shade Etching -
Design Book # 1
$24.95 Free Shipping included
Includes 14 complete Entryway
Design Patterns, each can be enlarged to a full size pattern
ready to be cut. In Addition the design elements can be rearanged to provide an
unlimited amount of new design layouts.
Tropical Entryway Designs for Shade Etching -
Design Book # 2
$24.95 Free Shipping included
Includes 14 complete Entryway
Design Patterns, each can be enlarged to a full size pattern
ready to be cut. In Addition the design elements can be rearanged to provide an
unlimited amount of new design layouts.
Designs for Oval Doors
Design Book # 3
$24.95 Free Shipping included
Includes 14 complete Entryway
Design Patterns, each can be enlarged to a full size pattern
ready to be cut. In Addition the design elements can be rearanged to provide an
unlimited amount of new design layouts.
Start your own Part time or full time business
Instructional Guide complete with photographs for step by step Instuction